If you would like to register your player for the conditioning camp/ tryouts please contact your division director. If they give approval to add a player please email Lindsay Graw at admin@okotokshockey.com for the registration link. |
2010 Players:
2008 players:
Attending Jr. Camp:
** Registration closing date is July 26, 2023. **
All registration fees are subject to a 3% credit card processing fee.
Any additional questions can be forwarded to your division director (Found in the Board of Directors section within the "about us" tab)
* Refunds due to injury or illness require a note from a physician.
**Registrations after the July 26th closing date require approval from the division director and will have a $100 late fee applied.
Registration for the conditioning camp and tryouts are SEPARATE.
*If you wish to attend both the camp and tryout you will need to complete two separate registrations*
Please only register for the 1st try out your player would like to attend. Once released you can register for the 2nd tryout.
For example: a 2008 born player can register for the U17AAA/U18AAA Combined Conditioning Camp and then register for the 1st year U17AAA/U18AAA tryout.
If the player is not invited to the U17AAA/U18AAA main camp tryout they can then register for the U16AA/U18AA tryout.
For any questions, or for more information, please contact the OOAA Administrator Lindsay Graw at admin@okotokshockey.com |
OOAA U18AAA/U18AA RAIDERS ( 2006, 2007, 2008 FEMALE PLAYERS) |
Draw Zone:
The female U18AAA draw zone is open to all of Alberta
The female U18AA draw zone is Blackie, Chestermere, High Country, Hussar, Foothills, Indus, Nanton, Okotoks, Rockyford, Siksika, Strathmore, Standard
OMHA registration and fees- Okotoks players before you can register for female U18AAA or female U18AA conditioning camps/tryouts you must first register and pay your fees with OMHA U18 female. Players that are successful in making the Female U18AA or Female U18AAA roster will have their OMHA registration fees minus the OMHA/OOAA hold back transferred to the team.
*You do not have to register for both the camp and tryouts. You can register for just the camp or just the tryout if you wish*
OOAA Female U18AAA/AA Conditioning Camp:
Tentative conditioning camp dates: August 19-25, 2023.
OOAA Female U18AAA tryouts:
Tentative dates for guaranteed 3 skates: U18AAA Raiders- August 26-30th
** If your player is registered for the U18AAA tryout: DO NOT register for U18AA unless they have been released.
OOAA Female U18AA tryouts:
Tryout tentative dates for guaranteed 3 skates: U18AA Raiders- September 8-10th
Schedule- Please refer to the OOAA website for the camp schedules. Parents will be notified via email prior to the camp start date and evaluation with their players group number
OOAA U16AA, U17AAA, U18AA, U18AAA BOWMARK (2009, 2007, 2008 BORN PLAYERS) |
If your player will be attending a Junior camp at the same time as tryouts you still MUST register for the tryout so that OOAA includes your player on the tryout list. A refund will be issued IF proof of camp is submitted to the division director.
Draw Zone:
The U16AA draw zone is for Okotoks Minor Hockey, Foothills, High Country
The U17AAA draw zone includes Blackie, Chestermere, High Country, Hussar, Foothills, Indus, Nanton, Okotoks, Rockyford, Siksika, Strathmore, Standard, and Vulcan.
The U18AAA draw zone includes Blackie, Chestermere, High Country, Hussar, Foothills, Indus, Nanton, Okotoks, Rockyford, Siksika, Strathmore, Standard, and Vulcan.
OMHA registration and fees:
Conditioning Camps:
*You do not have to register for both the camp and tryouts. You can register for just the camp or just the tryout if you wish*
OOAA U17AAA/U16AA/U18AAA/U18AA Combined Conditioning Camp:
**Please only register for the 1st try out your player would like to attend. Once released you can register for the 2nd tryout.
If your player will be attending a Junior camp at the same time as tryouts you still MUST register for the tryout so that OOAA includes your player on the tryout list. A refund will be issued IF proof of camp is submitted to the division director.
OOAA U17AAA/U18AAA 1st year tryouts (2008 born players only):
OOAA U17AAA/U18AAA Combined Main Camp tryouts:
OOAA U18AA/U16AA Combined tryouts FIRST 3 SKATES
Okotoks 2008 born players can choose to register for the U18AA/U16AA combined tryout if they want to try for the U18AA team. If they are not interested in trying out for U18AA, they can skip this tryout and register for U16AA as their first tryout
Foothills and High Country 2008 born players can ONLY register for the U16AA tryout in Okotoks
U18AA/U16AA Combined tryout
Only Okotoks 2006/2007/2008 players are eligible to register for the U18AA/U16AA tryouts
After the 3 skates there will be potential releases:
OOAA U16AA tryouts (Okotoks, Foothills, High Country - 2008 born players only):
Draw Zone:
The U15AA draw zone is for Okotoks Minor Hockey players only.
The U15AAA draw zone includes Blackie, Chestermere, High Country, Hussar, Foothills, Indus, Nanton, Okotoks, Rockyford, Siksika, Strathmore, Standard, and Vulcan.
OMHA registration and fees- Okotoks players before you can register for OOAA camps and tryouts you must first register and pay your fees with OMHA U15 Mixed.
Players that are successful in making the U15AA roster will have their OMHA registration fees minus the OMHA/OOAA hold back transferred to the team.
Players that are successful in making the U15AAA roster will have their OMHA registration fees refunded and the team will be invoiced by OMHA and OOAA for the team fees.
The reason for the different way of paying the fees is because U15AA has only Okotoks players and U15AAA is a draw zone team that does not have only Okotoks players. The team fees are the same for AA as they are for AAA.
Conditioning camp
Conditioning camp tentative dates: U15AA/AAA- August 14-20th (includes checking)
OOAA 2010 Checking clinic
OOAA U15AAA/AA Conditioning Camp:
*You do not have to register for both the camp and tryouts. You can register for just the camp or just the tryout if you wish*
OOAA U15AAA 1st year tryouts (2010 born players ONLY):
OOAA U15AAA Main Camp tryouts- INVITE ONLY for 2010 Players
OOAA U15AA tryouts:
You do not need to participate in the U15AAA 1st year tryout or U15AAA tryout to be eligible to tryout for U15AA.
The female U15AA draw zone includes Blackie, Chestermere, High Country, Hussar, Foothills, Indus, Nanton, Okotoks, Rockyford, Siksika, Strathmore,and Standard.
OMHA registration and fees- Before you can register for female U15AA conditioning camps or tryouts you must first register and pay your fees with OMHA U15 female. Players that are successful in making the Female U15AA roster will have their OMHA registration fees minus the OMHA/OOAA hold back transferred to the team.
*You do not have to register for both the camp and tryouts. You can register for just the camp or just the tryout if you wish*
OOAA Female U15AA Conditioning Camp:
Conditioning camp tentative dates: U15AA Raiders- August 26th-29th
OOAA Female U15AA tryouts:
Tryout tentative dates for guaranteed 3 skates - U15AA Raiders- August 31-September 3rd
Schedule- Please refer to the OOAA website for the camp schedules. Parents will be notified via email prior to the camp start date and evaluation with their players group number
Draw Zone:
Female U13AA draw zone is open to females that belong to an association that does not have a female program. Players residing in Calgary must register with GHC.
OMHA registration and fees- Before you can register for OOAA Female U13AA conditioning camps or tryouts you must first register and pay your fees with OMHA U13 Female. Players that are successful in making the Female U13AA roster will have their OMHA registration fees minus the OMHA/OOAA hold back transferred to the team.
Okotoks U13 female players have 2 options for tryouts. You can choose to tryout for the U13AA Mixed team or the female U13AA team. If you decide to tryout for the U13AA mixed team please DO NOT register for the U13AA female tryouts until you have been released from U13AA Mixed.
Non- Okotoks U13 female players can only register for the Female U13AA team. If you wish to tryout for U13AA you must tryout in your designated draw zone U13AA team.
Non-Okotoks females must be registered with OMHA U13 female and have your player movement form completed and approved by Hockey Alberta prior to the first tryout skate.
*You do not have to register for both the camp and tryouts. You can register for just the camp or just the tryout if you wish*
U13AA Female Conditioning Camp
U13AA Female Tryouts
Schedule- Please refer to the OOAA website for the camp schedules. Parents will be notified via email prior to the camp start date and evaluation with their players group number
Draw Zone:
The U13 AA draw zone is for Okotoks Minor Hockey players only.
OMHA registration and fees- Before you can register for U13AA conditioning camps or tryouts you must first register and pay your fees with OMHA U13 Mixed. Players that are successful in making the U13AA roster will have their OMHA registration fees minus the OMHA/OOAA hold back transferred to the team.
*You do not have to register for both the camp and tryouts. You can register for just the camp or just the tryout if you wish*
OOAA U13AA Conditioning Camp:
OOAA U13AA tryouts:
Schedule- Please refer to the OOAA website for the camp schedules. Parents will be notified via email prior to the camp start date and evaluation with their players group number